Elizabeth Moser

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Elizabeth Moser

Elizabeth Moser is a doctoral candidate with a focus on Asian American literature and humor studies.  Her dissertation in progress, “Laughter Through Tears: Humor’s Affective Relationships in Asian American Literature and Performance” examines how the mechanisms of comedy and affect theory unlock reparative and politically progressive readings of 20th century Asian American texts and performances.  She has presented at the Association for Asian American Studies, the American Literature Association, and the Mid-Atlantic Popular and American Culture Association.  She has also organized and chaired “Border Crossings”, a GW student-led symposium in 2016 and “American Haiku Masters”, a haiku exhibition, presentation and social in 2012.

Elizabeth has served as President and Vice President of Academic Enrichment for the George Washington’s English Graduate Student Association.  She received her Bachelors Degree at Boston University and her Masters Degree at Rutgers University, both in literature.

Her research interests include 20th century Asian American literature and film, humor studies, affect theory, audience reception theory, and poetry.

Website: elizabethsmoser.com

Twitter: @elizabethsmoser