Maria Frawley

Maria Frawley
Professor of English
Professor of English
My research interests are in nineteenth-century British literature, social history, and print culture. My work on the culture of invalidism has led to an interest in “transient illnesses” of Victorian Britain and to histories, narratives, and representations of institutional care (e.g., workhouses, asylums) in the period. I have an abiding interest in Victorian women social reformers, especially Harriet Martineau and Florence Nightingale. I am currently reading widely in the history of emotions. My current book-project originated in a series of classroom assignments on Jane Austen’s distinctive vocabulary; it is tentatively titled Keywords of Jane Austen’s Fiction.
Invalidism and Identity in Nineteenth-Century Britain (Chicago, 2004)
Anne Brontë (Twayne, 1996)
A Wider Range: Travel Writing by Women in Victorian England (Associated University Presses, 1994)
Editor, Life in the Sick-Room, by Harriet Martineau. (Broadview Press, 2003)
“Shame, Exposure and the Making of Modern Identity in Jane Austen’s Emma.” (forthcoming in Tulsa Studies in Women’s Literature)
“The Victorian Age, 1832-1901,” In English Literature in Context. Cambridge UP 2007
“‘Warriors for the Working Day’: History, Distance, and Collaborative Authority in England and Her Soldiers.” CLIO’S Daughters: Victorian Women Write History.
Ed. Lynette Felber. University of Delaware Press. (forthcoming, 2007) “Behind the Scenes of History: Harriet Martineau and The Lowell Offering.” Victorian Periodicals Review (Summer 2005): 141-57.
“Borders and Boundaries, Perspectives and Place: Victorian Women and the Art of Travel Writing.” Intrepid Women: Victorian Artists Travel. Ed. Jordana Pomeroy. Ashgate Press (2005): 27-38.
“Harriet Martineau, Health, and Journalism.” Women’s Writing. Martineau Bicentenary Edition. 9, 3 (2002): 433-44.
Ph.D., University of Delaware, 1991.